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Customize Proposal reports - Publish Sandy Articles
Sandy FAQ

Customize Proposal reports

COMPAS provides extensive options to customize proposal / budgetary reports based on price, price total, detailing, address. Based on the selection, reports get generated. Insert customer specific logo is possible and following steps provide the same.

  1. Open your quote, then click on the Action icon  and select reports option.

    Figure 1: Report generations
  2. Select "Proposal" checkbox and click "Options"

    Figure 2: Proposal options 
  3. Select "Other Customization" section in the Proposal options. Add a logo by clicking "Choose File" / Change Logo".

    Figure 3: Logo selection

  4. Check the "Include Customer Logo" checkbox.

    Figure 5: Include Logo 
  5. Close the "Proposal Options" popup and click on "Generate" button. View option is enabled to open the proposal reports. The logo the is selected will be displayed in the header as shown below. 


                 Figure 6: Proposal report

The report also has the link to the terms and conditions as shown below.

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