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Solar power has made a clear case as a viable form of alternative energy. The solar initiative has demonstrated steady sector growth alongside reduced costs, cementing the fact that it is here to stay. The U.S. Department of Energy has reported declines in the cost of photovoltaic (PV) modules, photovoltaic power per watt, as well as labor. These figures are only expected to continue to decline as technology advances. With increasing cost effectiveness, legislation furthers the push for solar energy. Effective 2020, California will require solar panels on all new builds. With a state-wide initiative towards 50% sustainable energy by 2030, the next phase of legislation seeks to target a commercial application of solar.

Moving Forward: With changing legislation and a growing market, an effective solar strategy for residential and commercial spaces has become critical. Siemens seeks to provide an effective and efficient roadmap towards the integration of solar power. By exploring our “Solar Ready” equipment as well as options for retrofitting current products, we aim to provide the tools necessary to meet growing demand.

Come learn more about Siemens solutions with these 2 brochures from the DLC:

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