Sandy FAQ

How can I save space in Switchboards?

1. Do you have 2000A or less WL’s

  • Try a skinny main, 2 high or 4 high (drawout only)

2. Do you have 2 poles

  • Try the HD kit

3. Do you have 400A, 600A distribution breakers

  • Try electronic trip breakers they take up 6.25’’ of unit space vs. 8.75’’
  • Try dual mounting 400A

4. How do I save space in distribution sections?

  • Try dual mounting , it saves space.  Do not dual mount if customer needs access to the trip units
  • Try electronic trip /600A VL’s they take up less space than Sentron breakers

5. What drives the width of a distribution section?

  • Dual mount 400A or 1200A frames drive 38’’ wide sections
  • SEM3, oversized lugs drive 46’’
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