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How should I see the previously used sold to accounts in COMPAS Go? - Publish Sandy Articles
Sandy FAQ

How should I see the previously used sold to accounts in COMPAS Go?

Creation of project / quote needs sold to account information. To ease out the selection, COMPAS Go has option to use the recently used account. Following are the steps to select the sold to account.

1. Login to COMPAS GO and launch Create Project from task menu.

2. Click on the Select sold to account icon ()

Figure 1: Sold  to account screen

3. Search the account and Select it. Sold to account gets added to the project.

Figure 2: Create Project

4. Click on the Recently used Sold to  account icon () .All the sold to accounts used to create project gets added to the recently used Sold to account list.

Figure 3: Recently used sold to account

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