Sandy FAQ

How to add WL Breaker accessories to quote

Step-by-step guide

  1. After creating a Project, from Actions menu, click Add WL Breaker from Actions menu

  2. If you know the WL Breaker accessory  catalog Number  enter it and click on the tick icon as shown below and click the cart icon to add the product to quote.

  3.  If you don"t remember WL Breaker accessory catalog number, please click the Wrench icon next to Accessories and look for the accessory from the desired tab Breaker/Cradle/ETU/Misc and click the drop down list selection and click on add it to quote button.

Version : Released Article ID: SKA-19-0271 © Siemens AG 2019 Owner: Author: Released Date: July 03, 2019 Category:


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