Sandy FAQ

How to complete a Panelboard configuration?

When you see an incomplete Panelboard configuration, or when you see the panel is in yellow, this indicates this panelboard configuration is not competed. Usually one of more selection(s) is required, or the system is still looking for your input(s). Here are some of areas that you can check to see if there is required field for inputs:

At the main level:

(1). The main device lug selection: the option maybe got reset and being blank not selected with any value,

(2). Main solid state breaker trip selection is blank,  

(3). One of the extra end gutters got a blank value, a value is expected if one of end gutter is selected,. If it is not required, enter "0" in the input field first,

(4).  Additional ground connector option can’t be blank while the option of Additional Ground Connector option is being set,

At panel branches level:

(1). Do we have one breaker configured? At least one breaker provision is required to complete the panel configuration if no installed breaker is required,

(2). Branch solid state breaker trip is not being set,

(3). Breaker internal accessory control voltage is not being set if the accessory option requires input of control voltage,

(4). Special Mod inputs require a price value, value of "0" can be entered if not know,

(5). Is the breaker lug size being set or is it left as blank? It needs to be set,

At Panelboard level: 

(1). Does the panel designation has a value?

(2). Is the panel type being set (sometimes no panel type being set after many changes were done)?

(3). Is the panel circuit size being set (for a Lighting panel), or is the panel size being set (a power panel)?

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