Sandy FAQ

How to order a SPD Bus Plug in COMPAS

When someone needs to order a SPD Bus Plug

Step-by-step guide

  1. SPD Bus Plugs are not configurable in COMPAS, and need to be entered as a Standard Product.
  2. Select Product Catalog at the top of the COMPAS screen.
  3. Click on the Standards Product Tab.
  4. Enter the SPD Bus Plug catalog number in the search line, and hit enter.
  5. If there is a match to your catalog number it will display. Set the quantity, and click the Add to Quote button.
  6. Select the Manage Jobs tab, and you should see your SPD Bus Plug line added to the quote.

Version : Released Article ID: SKA-19-0489 © Siemens AG 2019 Owner: Author:

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