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How to "Undo Edit" option in COMPAS Go? - Publish Sandy Articles
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How to "Undo Edit" option in COMPAS Go?

This article describes the steps to use "Undo Edit" in COMPAS Go [similar to get latest version in COMPAS desktop]

1. Login into COMPAS with valid credentials

2. Create a new quote or open an existing quote

    Create new quote -  

    Open existing quote - 

3. Make the quote as editing "ON" 

4. Edit the quote by adding new line items or reconfigure the existing line item.

5. Now, click on the "Undo" button. On doing so, the following message is given to the user to act accordingly.

6. Clicking on the "Yes, Undo Changes", the changes done after turning the editing "ON" will be reverted as shown below. [This is similar to "Get Latest Version" in COMPAS Desktop]

Following notification is provided to the user on successful reverting.

Note: This change is part of "Desktop Sunset"

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