Sandy FAQ

How to Use the MCC Manual Layout Tools

The Motor Control Center configurator has added features in the Manual Layout view.  The following will illustrate how they work.

  1. In the upper left you will find the Workbench.  This workbench can be moved with a hold down of the left mouse to another location if required. If the Workbench is moved users can click on the fifth icon found in the upper right to bring the workbench back to its original position.  The Workbench has a + Expand and - Collapse controls of the view. 
  2. Move all to WB:  This button will move all branch devices to the workbench.     Drop and Drag branches to the workbench is allowed. 
  3. Add Section:  This button will add a blank section.  Users need to only enter the Section Width. 

      4.  Layout:  Will layout any branches in the Workbench back into the MCC. 

      5.  Refresh Drawing: Updates the view. 

      6.  Workbench: Mentioned above.  

      7. Expand View:  Controls the size of the screen. 

Property Wrenches

       In the layout view the top wrenches are for section properties.  Click on the wrench to view the selections.  

      The bottom wrench  is for the second place users can apply a Shipping Split. 


Users can adjust the "Shipping Split Width - Custom" to change the shipping Splits in the MCC. The other place to enter Shipping Splits is under "Options". 

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