Sandy FAQ

Quotation PLT : How to verify scanned panel schedule pages in SIScan ?

SIScan provides an useful functionality to verify the scanned Panel Schedules . This allows the user to cross verify the uploaded document against the SIScan processed document .The scanned panels are highlighted to clearly distinguish between the detected and undetected panels.

  • Select the uploaded file and click "Next" to upload in SIScan.

  • Click on the "Schedule Page" icon to view the complete scanned document page


  • An image will open in a separate browser window, which highlights the detected panels on the specific page:

  • We can also verify the individual panels by selecting the "Panel Schedule" icon in the Panelboard Details page.


  • An image will open in a separate browser window, which highlights the detected individual panel:
    The detected breakers will be highlighted  with color for cross verification



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