Sandy FAQ

Quotation PLT : How to Scan specific Panelboard Pages in SIScan ?

SIScanprovides a very useful functionality to scan specific pages in Panel Schedules. This saves a lot of time and boosts productivity especially when you know which pages contain the panel tables.

  • Select the file to upload in SIScan.

  • Select "Specific Panelboard Pages"

  • You can specify the page numbers as follows,
    • Directly specifying the page number → e.g. 1
    • Page Range → e.g. 3-5
    • Multiple pages like → 8,9,12
    • Combination of above three formats → 1,3-5,8,9,12

    Once the page numbers are specified, click Upload.
    SIScan will only process the panel schedules mentioned in "Specific Panelboard Pages".

Note: Any sold to account can be used for uploading the the PDF document in SIScan. 

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