Sandy FAQ

Counter PLT : Download Product Information / Specifications in COMPAS Go?
This article describes the how a user can download the product details. Open COMPAS Go on your device or in your system browser and...
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Counter PLT : Check availability in Sandy in COMPAS Go
This article describes the usage of availability info, available date, discounted price of a product that you need. Open Sandy from...
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Counter PLT : Availability General in COMPAS Go
Have you wondered if we "Have it on the shelf"? Check Availability is a useful feature to get availability information on standard...
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Counter PLT : SPEED Credit Request using COMPAS Go (Videos & PDF)
SPEED Credit Request process in now in COMPAS Go. Qualified COMPAS Go users can now process their Credit Requests using the online tool...
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Counter PLT : How to open Speed Credit app in COMPAS Go?
Prerequisite : Login as Speed Credit user. Click on the "Task" icon to open "Task List" dialog. 2. Click on the "Speed...
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Counter PLT : How to information on product details from SpeedFax in COMPAS Go?
This article provides steps to open the product details from SpeedFax application. 1. Open Speed Fax app from COMPAS Go 2....
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Counter PLT : How to extract pages from the SpeedFax in COMPAS Go?
Add a Quick Link for the SpeedFax Enter the link in the address area. The SpeedFax page opens. Click on the three dots in the...
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Counter PLT : How to use the SpeedFax?
Users can access the SpeedFax in the office and on the go using the COMPAS Go - SpeedFax App Click on the SpeedFax App in the...
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Counter PLT : How to information on COMPAS Go UPB and SpeedFax? (Video)
Need a quote right away? Using COMPAS Go, Distributors who are part of Siemens Unassembled Panelboard program can quickly generate a bill...
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Counter PLT : How to use SpeedFax in COMPAS Go?
This article provides information to users who want to search in latest version of SpeedFax using spoken language. Following...
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