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Panelboard migration on mismatch quote in COMPAS Go - Publish Sandy Articles
Sandy FAQ

Panelboard migration on mismatch quote in COMPAS Go

This article provides detailed steps to covert quote which has version mismatch in COMPAS Go.

1. Login into COMPAS Go with valid credentials and open an existing quote as shown below

2. If the following are observed against the panelboard actions that a user need to perform are explained in the following steps. 


2. Status =  

3. Click on the option "" on doing so the following is available to the user to check out the quote as shown below.

4. Eligibility check for every line item is done as shown below

5. On completion of the eligibility check, following is available to the user

1.  : Line item which can be updated automatically by selection of lines

2. : Line item which need to be manually re-configured to remove the conflicts

6. Do select the selection of line items as shown below and click on the submit button. "Select all" will select all the eligible line items for submission.

7. On doing so the eligible line items are updated with the changes. Following are changes observed 

  • EPM mismatch is removed
  • Price is updated for enclosure and front with respective price
  • Panelboard is updated to the latest structure.

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