How to manual move branch breakers for Switchboard layout change?

Article describing manual rearrangement of branch breakers in Switchboard configuration.

  1. Configure Switchboard or open existing Switchboard line item.
  2. Go to Layout Design using top navigation.
  3. Go to "Manual Layout" tab
  4. To move breaker to Workbench: Select wrench in front of breaker and select "Move to Workbench" to move breaker to workbench.
  5. To move Kit to workbench: Select  wrench in front of kit and select "Move to Workbench" to move kit to workbench.
  6. To move breaker from Workbench: Select breaker and drag and drop it to desired position.
  7. To Move kit from workbench:  Select kit and drag and drop it to desired position.

Article ID: 336
Last updated: 21 Oct, 2020
Revision: 5
Configuration -> How to manual move branch breakers for Switchboard layout change?