How to review and check in all the checked out quotes in COMPAS Go?

This article helps the user to know the all the quotes that is checked out. Also, describes the way to to check in multiple quote at the same time in COMPAS Go.

1. Click on the bell icon next to Sandy 

2. On doing so will navigate to a page which contains all the quote that is currently in checked out or Editing "ON"

Filtering of quote can be done based on the selection listed below

Also the listing of Quote number, Job Name, Quote Name and Job status can be viewed in ascending or descending order by clicking on the icon in the header 

3. Select the quotes that need to be checked in and then click on the the "Check in" button.

4. On doing so, the selected quote will be checked in or Editing "OFF". Failure exception will be indicated to the user.

Article ID: 3615
Last updated: 17 Nov, 2021
Revision: 4
Manage Quote -> How to review and check in all the checked out quotes in COMPAS Go?