Counter PLT : Successor Product Selection in COMPAS Go

This article describes the functionality of product catalog in COMPAS.

This article describes to add successor / alternative products to a quote from product catalog.

1. Create new quote in COMPAS Go or open existing quote from below icons.


Open existing quote


2. Once quote page opened check out the quote by clicking ON Toggle button (if quote is checked in, this is for only for existing quote)


3. Select Siemens Products radio button and enter standard product name which user wants to search and add to quote.


4. After searching the product on clicking Add to quote, application will show error message to user (if it’s a successor product). Now click on the specified product name, which user needs to add to quote

5. Once user clicked on product name, application will show successor product list in the application (these products are the alternative product))

6. Now user can add successor product (Alternative Product) by clicking on product name and add to quote

Now successor product /alternative products will get added to user quote.

Article ID: 3780
Last updated: 18 Nov, 2021
Revision: 5
Learning_Track -> Counter PLT : Successor Product Selection in COMPAS Go