Quotation PLT : Why my configuration triggers technical review?

Some of the selection in the product configurators like switchboard or panel board may drive the line to a technical review status.

Such line/quotes should be reviewed by a Siemens Application Engineers to ensure the accuracy of the configurations. They also check the pricing of the components.Each products are handled by a set of Siemens Application Engineers. This applies to Field Sales, Customer Support and Channel Partner users.

Factors triggering technical review:

  1. Custom Components (Buyout items: ATS, Power Transformers, etc)

  2. System not able to determine correct part number and lead time,
  3. Factory Options

  4. Manual move in layout screen like moving breakers, sections, kits etc

  5. Special Configurations, e.g. ATS in a Switchboard 

  6. Manually added Drawing Notes and Accessories like switchboard accessory

  7. Manually added Drawing Abbreviations

  8. Special property selections which needs additional engineering/costing and pricing.

Article ID: 3903
Last updated: 29 Jun, 2020
Revision: 3
Learning_Track -> Quotation PLT : Why my configuration triggers technical review?