This article provides information against scenario name to a quote in COMPAS Go.
It provides the following options for scenario name
1. Add new scenario name (click here)
2. Edit / Change the existing scenario name ( click here )
1. Login into COMPAS Go with valid credentials id="add"
2. Select "Create Project" as shown below
3. On doing so, the following information is available to the user. Scenario is defaulted to "Internal Sales" based on role assigned to user.
4. To change the Scenario, click on the "". On doing so, the following is available to the user.
5. Selection of sold to account can be done from recent list or can be search again.
6. After selection, "Done" gets enabled to complete the scenario selection as shown below.
7. Click on the button "create" to complete the project creation.
1. To edit the scenario selection, open the quote with editing "ON" and navigate to the quote details tab.
2. Select the required scenario by clicking on the "" icon as shown below.