How to add Kirk key in panelboard?

1. Kirk key can be added via Special MOD in Panelboard configurator.

2. Kirk key is only available to power panels, P4 and P5.

3. We can’t have both Kirk key and padlock option on the same breaker.  

4. Click on Devices, click on dropdown list under Device, select Special MOD,

5. Enter “Kirk key interlock solenoid” in Desc field, leave blank in catalog No field,

6. Enter the price amount if you have it or leave it with $0

7. Click on Add to add this Special MOD

8. Panel will be set to tech. review required. If no price is being added in, a proper price adder will be added at tech. review time

Article ID: 458
Last updated: 25 Mar, 2024
Revision: 6
Configuration -> How to add Kirk key in panelboard?