Question: How to connect SIMOCODE to TIA Portal for configuration
Answer: There are several ways for connection to SIMOCODE, the method depends on available hardware and software licenses. This article will cover connecting to SIMOCODE via USB Cable and Ethernet Cable.
Connecting to SIMCODE is possible in the following 2 ways.
Using USB Cable:
Use the USB Cable when you are using TIA Portal Basic (without license) and/or you have a SIMOCODE unit that does not have an Ethernet port.
Note: The USB Cable requires a device driver to operate properly.
- USB cable Part Number: 3UF79410AA000
- SIRIUS USB PC cable 3UF7941-0AA00-0 software driver download
- Download the driver using the link above and install. (A free SIOS account is required)
- Extract the file.
- Launch Setup.
- Run through setup steps.
- Connect USB cable to PC and verify with Device Manager recognizes it. Take note of the COM port used. In this example COM port 3 is used.
- Connect Cable to SIMOCODE device. Example showing SIMOCODE Pro V PN with USB cable connected.
- Lunch TIA Portal.
- Connect SIMOCODE to TIA Portal for configuration.
- Click on Online & Diagnostics
- Click on Accessible Devices
- Select the interface, for USB connection to SIMOCODE the type is SIRIUS PtP. Next select the PG/PC Interface, this is the same COM port as shown in Step 2 above. Then click on Start Search.
- Once the search is completed accessible devices will be populated. Select the device and click on show.
- The SIMOCODE device will now show up in the left side menu in the project tree.
- At this point you are now able to access SIMOCODE via USB cable.
Using Ethernet Cable:
Use an Ethernet Cable when you are using TIA Portal Professional (license required) and you have a SIMOCODE unit that has an Ethernet port.
- Connect your SIMCODE device and PC to the same network or directly via Ethernet cable.
- Launch TIA Portal Professional.
- Connect SIMOCODE to TIA Portal for configuration.
- Click on Online & Diagnostics
- Click on Accessible Devices
- Select the interface, for Ethernet connection to SIMOCODE the type is PN/IE. Next select the PG/PC Interface, this is Network interface card being used to network the PC and SIMOCODE device together. Then click on Start Search.
- Once the search is completed accessible devices will be populated. Select the device and click on show.
- The SIMOCODE device will now show up in the left side menu in the project tree. At this point you are now able to access SIMOCODE via Ethernet cable.
Helpful Resources:
1. Manuals:
2. For further information see:
3. For further assistance see: