Sentron based PowerMod devices are being replaced with 3VA based PowerMod modules. Sentron based PowerMod devices are being phased out in phases – this phase includes WB/WBM/WEB/WEBM series with 800A frame breakers and larger.
Any quotes with these products included are subject to being red lined.
If you encounter one of these situations, please follow the steps below to resolve.
Step 1: Open the configuration in edit mode using wrench icon.
Upon opening the configuration, select the line that includes the Sentron Based Product that needs to change (click on the wrench icon).
There are two different situations - see Step 2a and Step 2b below.
è Repeat all steps for all affected products in the lineup.
Step 2a: Reset Catalog number and Interrupt Rating for the item.
If Amp Rating of Sentron based module is 1,400 A or 1,800 A [AND] Maintenance Mode is checked è Go to Step 2b
A) Choose Interrupt rating required: 85,000 or 100,000 only.
(65,000 is NOT available for 3VA – choose 85,000 instead)
B) Choose Catalog Number from Dropdown next.
Only choose catalogs that include a “V”: 'WBV…' or 'WEBV…' or 'WBMV…' or 'WEBMV…'.
Choosing catalog number without “V” will show a conflict.
Other fields may need to be cleared as well before a valid 3VA based device can be selected.
Step 2b: For this situation: Amp Rating of Sentron based module is 1,400 or 1,800 and Maintenance Mode is checked.
A) Maintenance Mode (DAS) requires Electronic Trip breakers. 3VA6 series ETU breakers are NOT available with 1400A or 1800A trip. (3VA5 series TMTU are available in these sizes)
The only option currently is to use the next largest trip setting available, but customer may need to be consulted, since cable sizes or qty may be affected.
B) From the dropdown – for Amp Rating select the following:
1600A 3VA6 for Sentron 1400A replacement
2000A 3VA6 for Sentron 1800A replacement
(additional fields may also need to be cleared/updated).
C) Go to the dropdown for Catalog Number and select appropriate 3VA based Module.
Step 3: ‘Save & Close’ the configuration once all selections are completed.
Note: all devices larger than 1200A are “Center-Fed” devices and require at least one “load type” of device on either side of the “Center-Fed” unit.