CAN ahead function is determined by Panelboard product rules or configurations specifications. Most of times, CAN ahead option is available when the panel is a standard design and no box modification to be done or no custom flag is being set.
In general, CAN ahead option is available to a standard panel design with NEMA 1 Indoor type enclosure, however, any one of following cases will disable CAN ahead option:
1. Enclosure type is other than NEMA 1 Indoor option, i.e., N3R/12, N4 Stainless, etc.,
2. Panel main is configured with a main contactor, or panel configured with a branch contactor (i.e., ASCO 920, ASCO 911, or Siemens LEN),
3. P2 panel configured as a Title 24 application,
4. Panel configuration drives to a custom interior design (a behind KB flag setting), or a panel requires tech. review most likely will drive to custom setting,
5. Enclosure selection or enclosure modifications drive(s) to a custom enclosure, no standard enclosure catalog number.