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How to approve the Speed Credit Request? - Publish Sandy Articles
Sandy FAQ

How to approve the Speed Credit Request?

Necessity: When the Rebate team needs to review and approve the credit request raised by Distributors.


  1. A speed quote should be created in COMPAS by the distributor.
  2. Distributor has to open the SpeedCredit App in COMPAS GO. Refer How to open Speed Credit app in COMPAS Go?
  3. Distributor has to raise a Credit Request using SpeedCredit App. Refer How to submit Speed Credit Request in COMPAS GO

Step-by-step guide

1. Login to MapApproval Application using the Rebate user credentials.

2. In the home page under My Worklist tab, input the relevant search criteria and click on Search button.

For instance, input the bomId as shown below.

3. Click on Quote Number. Quote Credit Review tab opens up. 

4. Review the QuotationInfo, Attachments and Notes.

5. Under Attachments tab, click on Attach button. Add the supporting documents (if any).

6. Under Notes tab, click on Create New Note button. Add the message (if any) to the Distributor user in the textual area and Save.

7. Click on Submit for Credit or Reject Credit button to perform appropriate actions.

8. Upon Reject, a confirmation popUp appears as shown below.

9. Upon Submit for Credit, a confirmation popUp appears as shown below.

10. Once Approved by the system, an Credit Number is generated and the same is shown as Approved.

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