Sandy FAQ

Test - Release Notes Format
COMPAS Go Release - December 2021 Releases with features, enhancements and bug fixes are listed in detail for the calendar month of December 2021. Read...
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OE Learning Track : Search Quote
This section of the article provides information on the steps to search for the quote needed to create an ICR (Internal Change Request) for BOM...
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COMPAS Go: OE Learning Track
This learning track “OE Learning Track” focuses on Order Engineering in COMPAS Go. Click on the following links in the process workflow for detailed procedures.. ...
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Development Location
This article describes the development team.
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Environment Details
This article provides the URLs for the development / test environment. Environment COMPAS Go Map Desktop [port = 443] ...
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[COPY] COMPAS Go: Bid Calendar
This article describes the new feature that is added to COMPAS Go ... Bid Calendar. This feature is available to the field sales to view the Bid Calendar against...
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COMPAS Go : Onboarding - Developer
Article for COMPAS Go onboarding purpose. Access Request Jira /...
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COMPAS Release : May 2021
This articles details the information on the releases for the month of May 2021. Customer logo support is now enabled in submittal proposal ...
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COMPAS Release : June 2021
This articles details the information on the releases for the month of June 2021. Copy / paste line items into ECR is now possible ...
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COMPAS Release : July 2021
This articles details the information on the releases for the month of July 2021. Panel layout issue is now fixed ...
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