Special insert (copy-paste) option in COMPAS Go

This article details the extended copy option of line items in COMPAS Go. This feature will be enabled for Sales Support Coordinator user community.

1. Some of the prerequisite for this extended copy feature is given below.

2. Copy the required lines from the approved quote as shown below. Use the copy button.

Note: Lines have attached documents, notes, review is completed and price approved

3. Now create a new quote or use an existing quote with the same "Sold to Account"

4. Following is a quote that is newly created. Quote used is "Special_Copy_paste" for reference.

Sold to account is same as the quote where the line is copied.

5. Now, right mouse button click on the "Add Product" as shown below.

Option is for the extended paste is enabled as "Special Insert

6. Click on the option. On doing so, the lines are pasted.


Article ID: 4839
Last updated: 18 Aug, 2022
Revision: 4
Learning_Track -> Special insert (copy-paste) option in COMPAS Go