Sandy FAQ

SieBreak Configuration - Overview

This article provides overview of SieBreak configuration.

1. Create a new quote or open an existing quote and click on the "Add Products" from action menu.

2. Then click on the "" to launch the panelboard.

3. On doing so, the following is available for the user.


4. After completing the system information, navigate to the device tab

Here you can configure the following devices 

  • Load Interrupter Switch
  • Switch Breaker Combination
  • Auxiliary Section
  • Accessories
  • Custom Modification

5. User can perform the following action 





Add devices.


Price of the device/branch


Configure the breaker/branch or the section


Delete the section or the breaker / branch


Clone the device

6. Complete the configuration and navigate to the "Layout/Design" as shown below.

User has option to view the electrical view, drawing details and generate drawing report. 

7. On doing "Save and Close", the user navigates the following page and the configuration gets added as line item,


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item How to use global settings to set defaults values for the attributes for panelboard during configuration?