Single Section Cable in - Cable out (Video 5.28 min)
This article provides steps and information on the Switchboards which can be configured in a single section. [Cable In and Cable Out]. in COMPAS Go. Were you ever...
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View Change in Switchboard configuration (Video 5.29 min)
This article provides steps and information on the use of "View Change" option from View/advance edit in switchboard in COMPAS Go. Users can compare the current...
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Switchboard - IPS (Video 8.59 min)
This article provides steps and information on IPS switchboard in COMPAS Go. Integrated Power Systems (IPS) switchboards integrates multiple pieces of equipment...
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Switchboard - Adding Branch Breakers (Video 4.42 min)
This article provides steps and information on Adding Branch Breakers in switchboard in COMPAS Go. Your browser doesn"t support video. Please download...
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Lighting and Heating Contactors (Video 11.57 min)
Contactors come in Electrical Held, Mechanically Held and Mechanically Held - LC Lighting and Heating Contactors can be configured with options. This drives to a...
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P2 and P3 Cross Kit Breaker Placement (Video 8.55 min)
P2 and P3 Cross Kit Breaker Placement COMPAS Go allows users to place breakers to match the panelboard schedule. P2 and P3 panelboards follow the placement rules...
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Getting Started With SIMOCODE - Connecting
Question: How to connect SIMOCODE to TIA Portal for configuration Answer: There are several ways for connection to SIMOCODE, the method depends on available...
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Question: What components are needed to enable communications for the 3VA breaker? Answer: To enable Modbus TCP/IP (Default Protocol) at minimum the following is...
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What is the smart selector option for Pump Controller?
This article describes the enhancement feature in the product selector for pump controller. Selector helps you to select the correct part number by selection of...
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How to generate application engineering report from configuration in COMPAS Go?
This article is to guide users to use application engineering report (AE report) from the configuration in COMPAS Go. 1. After configuring Switchboard, navigate to...
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