Sandy FAQ

Manage Orders
Request ship date and status in shipping screen in COMPAS Go
This article describes the changes in the shipping screen for updating the requested ship date in COMPAS Go based on the selection in the schedule. (Hold for release...
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Resubmit POD Fulfillment on errors in COMPAS Go
This article provides detailed information on the resubmission of order with failed shipping(POD) fulfillment ["Standard Fulfillment" / " Channel Partner Stock" / "UNPB...
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How to view the change order mapping for external change request (ECR) in COMPAS Go?
Want to know the change order mapping for change request for a quote? Check out the following steps. 1. Click on the change order icon and select the "Change order...
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COMPAS Go Training Course : Create change request
This article describes steps to create change request without selection of line item for Channel partner / Field Sales (add new lines to...
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Russ Electric: Order number generation / processing
This article describes the unique order number generation for Russ Electric products in COMPAS Go. 1. On completion of order...
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How to get the Carrier & Tracking information from manage orders?
This article helps user to get information on the carrier and tracking from Manager Orders in COMPAS Go. 1. After selection of sales order and then navigating to...
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What happens with clicked on the address in Manage orders?
In Manage order, after navigating the dashboard with selected sales order, clicking on the address as show below will open up a new window with the address with...
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How to view the change order status of line items in manage order?
Manage order has the feature enabled for the users to view the change order line items. Following are the indicators for the line item status [in progress /...
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what are the reports that can be downloaded in manage orders?
This article describes the type of report that is available to the user from Manager Orders in COMPAS Go. After selection of sales order that has hold line items...
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what are the contents of the manage order home page?
This article describes the options in Manage orders in COMPAS Go. COMPAS Go has an exclusive feature to release the lines on hold called as "Manage Orders"
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