Sandy FAQ

Copy MCC Branch Options to other MCC Branches
In large jobs users need a fat way to add options to select configures devices, The copy feature allows users to do just that. Just click on the link to view the...
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How to Configure MCC in COMPAS Go?
Discover the steps in configuring a simple MCC using COMPAS Go. Click the link below for an end to end workflow for MCC configuration Your browser doesn"t...
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How to configure multi mains and branches Switchboard?
This article describes the step by step instructions on how to configure a Multi Main and Branches Switchboards in COMPAS Go. To walk through the steps in creating...
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How to Navigate the Motor Control Center Configurator (Video 2.33 Min)
New to MCC"s? Click the Linkto discover the endless possibilities in the MCC configuration tool. The MCC (Motor Control Center) EPM (Engineered Project Module) is designed to bring selections to...
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How to remove the SPD devices from panelboard
Step-by-step guide In COMPAS Go, delete panel layout first before you delete SPD. After you delete the layout, click on the delete icon to remove or delete the SPD from the configuration. ...
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How to use Panelboard Layout View tools?
This article helps to know the tools in manual layout in COMPAS Go Please refer the article "Panelboard Configuration - Overview"
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How to Use the MCC Manual Layout Tools
The Motor Control Center configurator has added features in the Manual Layout view. The following will illustrate how they work. In the upper left you will find the Workbench. This workbench...
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MCC Configuration Key Features
THE MCC configurator has new features for users to evaluate and manage configured branches. More tools for a sharper takeoff. Step-by-Step Guide COMPAS GO MCC Configuration Key features! ...
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How to add a Solid State Branch Breaker in COMPAS Go Panelboard configurator
Solid State main breakers for panelboards start at 400 amp. Branch breakers are offered at lower amperage"s. Step-by-step guide Add the branch breaker as normal process, enter Qty, Poles,...
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How to select the Switchboard specification requirements?
When starting a Switchboard configurations users need to enter the Specification requirements before starting the switchboard configuration. Here is a list of the...
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